New Year means new goals. What are you wanting to accomplish this year? Is it to push yourself and improve in the dojo or is it to step foot in a dojo for the first time? No matter what your skill level setting goals and practicing MMA will help make 2022 your most successful year yet. MMA is good for confidence, health, strength, self-defense and so much more.

We want to help people stick to their MMA resolutions this year with the following tips to staying motivated.

Shake Things Up 

There are 170 martial arts. That's 170 different techniques, regions and philosophies to learn from. Not to mention the countless other fitness classes available. Open up your usual routine and learn something new this year. Getting out of your usual routine can motivate you in ways you never knew possible.

Start a Fitness Journal 

Fitness journals allow you to set and track goals, create a resource guide for training methods and techniques, and document weaknesses you'd like to work on. It's a proven study that writing down your goals help you succeed at reaching them. Reflecting on your achievements, failures and goals will help you become the athlete you've always wanted to be.

Watch your Favorite Martial Artist or Athlete Compete

Get inspired to be the best from the best. Watching the athletes you look up to will help motivate you to become greater. You can also learn new ways to react during fights and learn from their wins and even losses.

Invest in New Gear 

New year, new you, new gear. There's something extra motivating about breaking in a new pair of boxing gloves that will keep you going to class.

Power Through the Bad Days

We all have bad days. Power through them. There are 365 days in a year, don't let one day ruin the other 364.

Make 2022 the year you reach your goals. Make 2022 the year you train harder, work harder, punch harder, kick harder, push harder. Make this year count!

Tips for Reaching your MMA Goals