Home Fitness

Home Fitness Equipment

Working out at home can save you time and money while giving you the benefit of privacy. If you want to save money on gym fees or don't have time to make the commute every day, you can get an equally effective workout at home with minimal fitness equipment. No matter your ability or experience level, you can achieve your fitness goals with the right home gym.

To help you get started on your latest fitness journey, we'll go over what to consider when buying home gym equipment, plus the most valuable pieces to invest in. Keep reading to find out how you can pursue your strength and endurance training goals without ever leaving the house.

What to Consider When Purchasing Home Fitness Equipment

Before beginning your search for the perfect at-home fitness equipment, think about these three factors.

  1. Your fitness needs: The type of equipment you buy will depend on your training goals. Are you focusing on gaining muscle mass or increasing speed? For example, at-home boxing workouts will require different equipment than CrossFit training, so factor in your goals and plan accordingly.
  2. Space: How much space do you have for your home gym? Decide how much room you can afford to dedicate to your home gym, and remember, you don't need large pieces of equipment to challenge every muscle group.
  3. Brand name: You'll want your home gym equipment to last a long time, so make sure you're purchasing from a reliable source. Look for a supplier that sells equipment from reputable brands like UFC — it will pay off in the long run.

Once you've thought through these details, you'll be ready to make a smart home gym decision. Consider the three main categories of equipment below, along with the most useful gear within them, to find what fits best with your training goals.

1. Endurance and Speed Training

No matter what you're training for, endurance and speed are essential. It might seem like endurance is only for marathon runners or triathletes, but sports like kickboxing and weightlifting demand just as much fortitude. Similarly, the quickness needed for MMA training translates to speed on the soccer field or tennis court.

Because endurance and speed are vital components of any training regimen, here's some speed training equipment to help you hone them at home.

  • Plyometric boxes: Plyo boxes allow you to build muscle while getting your heart rate up by giving you a platform for box jumps, step-ups, toe taps and more.
  • Battle ropes: For a true-blue full-body workout, try using battle ropes at home. By combining wave, slamming and explosive movements, you can take your conditioning to a new level.
  • Leather jump rope: A bit more advanced than what we used as kids, this heavy-duty leather jump rope is a great way to build up endurance while getting your heart rate up. The best part — you can use it just about anywhere!
  • Speed jump rope: Kick your jump roping up a notch with a speed jump rope. This lightweight rope lets you get in as many reps as possible and release your inner speed demon.
  • Speed ladder: Work on your speed and agility by challenging yourself to complete complicated speed ladder sequences as quickly as you can.
  • Speed cones: Timing how long it takes yourself to weave between speed cones is the perfect way to boost your quickness and sharpen your reflexes.

2. Strength and Core Training 

Strength training is crucial for performance enhancement, weight management and injury prevention. In particular, a strong core provides a foundation for completing everything from a Spartan race to daily chores. Keep your tummy tight, and you'll find both challenging and mundane activities get easier.

Strength training is crucial for performance enhancement, weight management and injury prevention.

Check out these pieces of equipment for building total-body strength.

  • Weight benches: An adjustable home weight bench will allow you to do a range of exercises at an incline, decline or flat. A folding FID weight bench and dumbbells will allow you to do everything from a chest press to single-leg lunges.
  • Dumbbells: As the building blocks of so many workout routines, five- and 10-pound weights are the best dumbbells for a home gym. You'll be amazed at the variety of strength circuits and core moves you can do with only a couple of dumbbells.
  • Weighted vest: A weighted fitness vest is the most effective way to challenge yourself while maintaining a full range of motion. The added weight of the vest will help you build even more strength as you run, lift, jump, hold a plank or any other type of exercise.
  • Hand grip: Work the smaller muscles of your arm with a hand grip to improve forearm strength and endurance training.
  • Speed chute: Doing sprints with a speed chute will give you the drag you need to increase leg strength and acceleration while building speed and endurance.
  • Power wrist strengthener: Target your forearms with a power wrist strengthener that will make regular and reverse wrist curls simple to perform, yet challenging.
  • Paralletts: Paralletts are unmatched when it comes to strength training. From push-ups and dips to mountain climbers and shoot-throughs, paralletts will get your upper body shredded.
  • Dip station: There's no better way to work the triceps than a dip station. While this equipment is ideal for triceps dips, you can use a dip station for other exercises like knee raises and inverted rows to work your whole upper body.
  • Pull-up rings: Elevate your bodyweight workouts with pull-up rings. Using rings to do chest flyes, rows, holds and, of course, pull-ups, will help you build muscle with minimal equipment.
  • Door gym: Versatile and easy to install, door gyms are ideal for getting a thorough workout at home. While a door gym is great for pull-ups and chin-ups, you can also use it on the ground for perfect push-ups and sit-ups. 
  • Ab straps: If you're tired of crunches and sit-ups, get off the floor to work your abs with ab straps. Connect the straps to a pull-up bar, and you've instantly got a platform for knee-ups, leg lifts and more.

3. Health and Wellness 

Health and wellness extend beyond the time spent working out. Proper warm-up and recovery are essential to staying healthy and being able to continue training at a high level. Taking the time to get your muscles loose before a workout and giving them the care they need afterward will make your body feel better overall.

Consider using these products to keep your muscles supple and ready to tackle your training routine.

  • Sauna suit: By keeping your muscles warm, this waterproof suit will boost your circulation and help to prepare your muscles for an intense cardio session, which could prevent injury. 
  • Massage roller: Using a massage roller to release tension, loosen muscles and relieve tightness can guard you against injury and make minor pains manageable.
  • Training mats: Although most commonly used for yoga, training mats are also perfect for core circuits or providing a cushioned landing for jumping moves. Put down a training mat to stretch your muscles after a tough workout and ensure a full recovery.

Get Your Home Fitness Equipment From Spirit Combat Sports

Whether you're new to the fitness scene or an extreme athlete, get high-quality home gym equipment from Spirit Combat Sports. We have a wide range of endurance and speed equipmentstrength and core training pieces and health and wellness accessories to meet your fitness needs. We're proud to offer dependable products from UFC, the most trusted brand in MMA and boxing. 

We supply current and cutting-edge combat products for anyone from first-time trainers to pro UFC athletes. Along with being professional-grade, each of our UFC products comes with our commitment to customer satisfaction and a 60-day product warranty. Our customer service team is happy to work with you and provide a free product exchange if necessary.

Let Spirit Combat Sports supply the home fitness equipment you need to train and feel like a pro today!

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